========================================== T.O.V.A. 9.1 Release (April, 2017) ========================================== Initial release of the T.O.V.A. 9.1. Here are some of the main changes: Features - All new Precision Test Environment is now compatible with most modern PCs and Macs! - Also compatible with the Microsoft Surface. - Friendlier user interface. - Can change test type and instruction language from within the PTE. - Export now has an HTML option, useful for copying formatted report text, tables, and images into other documents. Fixes - T.O.V.A. no longer alerts user to minor install issues. - English test instructions now work with Korean region settings. - Message now appears if T.O.V.A. USB device is disabled for ordering. Known Issues - Older T.O.V.A. CDs will not recognize that the Windows T.O.V.A. 9 is installed and will start the installer when inserted. Please cancel the install and update or replace your T.O.V.A. CD. - Some hardware may not work correctly with this brand new PTE. Please contact us if you encounter problems. New System Requirements - Now copies Java 8 locally for added security, stability, and compatibility. - Screen must calibrate successfully to administer the T.O.V.A. test. - PTE now runs on the Surface, the latest Windows 8 and 10 PCs, and the latest Macs. - The T.O.V.A. 9 has dropped support for Windows XP and Vista. - Pre-T.O.V.A. 9 test reports are now classified and labeled as "Research" reports. - The T.O.V.A. 9 is not compatible with screening T.O.V.A. USB devices. Contact T.O.V.A. customer service (800.729.2886 or 562.594.7700, service@tovatest.com) for more information. One thing hasn't changed: the T.O.V.A. test itself.