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36  Test Instructions

Test Instructions

The T.O.V.A. has multimedia test instructions, with text to read and audible instructions to listen to. There are even pictures to illustrate how the test will appear and how to hold the microswitch.

The T.O.V.A. tester may also choose to give test instructions manually. The sections to follow will tell you how to adjust and control the multimedia test instructions to suit your needs and the needs of your subjects.

36.1  Languages

T.O.V.A. test instructions can appear in many languages and variants, so that you can prepare your subject in their native language: Arabic*, Chinese (Mandarin)*, Czech*, Danish, Dutch*, English, French (Canada* and France), German, Hebrew, Hindi*, Italian*, Japanese*, Korean, Norwegian*, Polish*, Portuguese* (Brazil and Portugal), Spanish (Latin America and Spain*), Swahili*, Swedish, and Turkish* are currently available.

We hope to add more languages in the future—contact T.O.V.A. customer service to let us know which languages you’d like us to add (section 29). For information on changing the language of your T.O.V.A. Test Instructions, see section 20.4.

* These languages or variants are not available in the legacy PTE.

36.2  Controls

By default, the T.O.V.A. test instructions are automatic, but to better control the pace of instructions, you may want to turn off the sound and read the instructions aloud. While the instructions are playing, you can press ‘S’ to the sound turn off and on, the space bar to pause the instructions, and the left and right arrow keys (or mouse buttons) to go forward or backward. Press ‘Esc’ to skip the instructions completely.

Note: If the instruction audio is turned off or unavailable (missing or unrecognized sound card, for instance), the instructions will not proceed automatically. You must skip through the instructions manually with the right arrow key or left mouse button.

36.3  Reading the instructions aloud

The following are instructions you may read aloud to the subject. The wording assumes that you are stepping through the multimedia instruction pages. You may want to adapt them to your needs and those of your subject, particularly if you’re only using the book. The images to follow can help you. If you would like these instructions in a different language, please contact T.O.V.A. customer service (section 29).

36.3.1  Visual practice test instructions

Read the following:

Welcome to the T.O.V.A. test.

Hold the button in your writing hand with your thumb resting lightly on top of the button, like this.(indicate Figure 80) When you press the button, let up as soon as you hear the click (click the button); you don’t have to hold it down.

How to hold the microswitch

This test measures your ability to pay attention. Two different squares will flash on the screen. One square has a small black square near the top, like this (indicate Figure 81), and the other has the small square near the bottom, like this (indicate Figure 81). The squares will flash on the screen, like this: (Multimedia instructions show a brief animation of the test.)

Visual Test Target/Nontarget stimuli

Press the button as fast as you can every time you see a square with the small square near the top and don’t press the button when the small square is near the bottom. Once again, press the button only when you see the small square near the top.

Don’t guess which square will flash; make sure you see it before you press the button. Try to balance speed and accuracy: press the button as fast as you can, but also try not to make any mistakes. If you do make a mistake, don’t worry: anyone can make a mistake on this test.

Let’s review:

You are about to take a short practice test. After a countdown, the squares will begin to flash. Remember, be as fast and accurate as you can.

36.3.2  Visual Test instructions

For subjects over 5.5 years old, read the following:

You are about to take the T.O.V.A. test, which will take about 20 minutes.

You might notice that your eyes get a little tired. Even so, try and do the best job you can. Remember to press the button as quickly as you can, but only when the small square is near the top.

For subjects 4 to 5.5 years old, read the following instead:

You are about to take the T.O.V.A. test, which will take about 10 minutes.

You might notice that your eyes get a little tired. Even so, try and do the best job you can. Remember to press the button as quickly as you can, but only when the small square is near the top.

36.3.3  Auditory Test instructions

Note: Even when the sound is turned off, the multimedia test instructions will demonstrate the auditory stimuli audibly.

Read the following:

Welcome to the T.O.V.A. test.

Hold the button in your writing hand with your thumb resting lightly on top of the button, like this.(indicate) When you press the button, let up as soon as you hear the click (click the button); you don’t have to hold it down.

How to hold the microswitch

This test measures your ability to pay attention. Two different tones will play on the speakers. One tone is a high note, and the other is a low note. The tones will play every few seconds.

Press the button as fast as you can every time you see hear the high note and don’t press the button when you hear the low note. Once again, press the button only when you hear the high note.

Don’t guess which tone will play; make sure you hear it before you press the button. Try to balance speed and accuracy: press the button as fast as you can, but also try not to make any mistakes. If you do make a mistake, don’t worry: anyone can make a mistake on this test.

Let’s review:

You are about to take a short practice test. After a countdown, the tones will begin to play. Remember, be as fast and accurate as you can.

36.3.4  Auditory Test instructions

For subjects over 5.5 years old, read the following:

You are about to take the T.O.V.A. test, which will take about 20 minutes.

You might notice that you get a little tired. Even so, try and do the best job you can. Remember to press the button as quickly as you can, but only when hear the high tone.

For subjects 4 to 5.5 years old, read the following instead:

You are about to take the T.O.V.A. test, which will take about 10 minutes.

You might notice that you get a little tired. Even so, try and do the best job you can. Remember to press the button as quickly as you can, but only when hear the high tone.

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